Nuts for potency in men are a useful product, since their constant consumption helps to improve overall well-being, increases endurance and performance, strengthens the immune system and prevents a decrease in sexual desire.
What nuts are beneficial for increasing potency?
When considering which nuts are useful for increasing potency, it is worth noting that this product has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body and contains the necessary substances for the normal functioning of vital systems.
Regular consumption of nuts in food can prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases and prevent hormonal imbalance in the body. At the same time, it is important to observe the normalized dosage, since an excessive amount can cause disruption of the intestines and cause an allergic reaction.
The effect of nuts on potency
Nuts contain a considerable amount of nutrients (non-fatty acids, minerals, vitamins) that have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous, circulatory, cardiovascular and digestive systems.
If we talk about the effect of nuts on potency, then they do not give an instant effect, but their action is aimed at normalizing hormonal levels and improving overall well-being. To get the desired effect, you need to regularly consume the product for several months.
At the same time, some nuts (almonds, cedar) have a good effect on the circulatory system and increase blood flow to the pelvic organs. The effect of the intake is already noticeable after the direct consumption of the product.

List of nuts that increase potency
To improve potency, doctors recommend using the following types of nuts:
- Muscat;
- Peanut;
- Walnut;
- Pistachios;
- Cashew;
- Pine nut;
- Hazelnut;
- Brazilian nut;
- Hazelnut;
- Coconut;
- Almond;
- Pecan.
An increase in the effectiveness of nuts is noted when the product is combined with dried fruits, honey and other components of plant origin.
The best nuts for increasing male potency
The consumption of various types of nuts allows you to achieve the desired effect of exposure (improving the quality of sperm, increasing potency and duration of sexual intercourse). The most effective combinations are detailed below.
Combination of walnuts and honey
This recipe is classic and has a positive effect on sperm quality and sperm motility, which accelerates successful fertilization. The prepared product helps to increase sexual desire, prolongs sexual intercourse and improves potency.
The action of the walnut is based on the ability to improve blood circulation and provide blood flow to the pelvic organs. The product stimulates the production of testosterone, which is responsible for male potency in the body.
Walnuts are chopped and mixed with honey in equal proportions. The finished product is stored in the refrigerator and taken daily for 2 tbsp. Spoons before eating. The effectiveness of the recipe is noticeable after 1-2 weeks of use.

Violation of potency is interconnected with a lack of testosterone in the body for a variety of reasons (hormonal failure, age-related changes, disruption of the nervous and digestive systems). Eating almonds is an excellent remedy to combat these problems.
Almonds contain the necessary amount of magnesium, calcium, potassium, vitamin E, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system in men. With regular use of almonds, the risk of developing heart pathologies decreases, potency stabilizes and sexual attraction to the opposite sex increases. The nut is recommended to be consumed as a whole, slightly dried. The product is often added to confectionery.

Pine nuts
Pine nuts help to increase energy reserves and improve performance. The product is recommended to increase potency against the background of severe physical fatigue, hormonal imbalance or the development of chronic diseases, in winter, spring with an acute shortage of nutrients.
Pine nuts contain 25% protein, of which 17% is well absorbed by the body. The product normalizes the digestive system, activates metabolic processes, prevents the appearance of plaques in blood vessels, and provides an antioxidant effect.
The product has a positive effect on the body and gradually stabilizes the male potency. Nuts are taken as a whole. The recommended amount is 30-50 grams per day.

Peanuts combined with honey
Peanuts by their nature are an aphrodisiac, increase potency, improve the quality of sex and help prolong sexual intercourse. In order to obtain the necessary effect of the impact, it is necessary to consume 10 roasted nut grains daily.
Systematic consumption of nuts significantly improves overall health, eliminates nervousness, and provides the necessary boost of energy. Peanuts contribute to the normalization of blood circulation and fights well against inflammatory processes in the body.
Nuts are fried over low heat, chopped and mixed in equal proportion with honey. This recipe is not recommended for food allergies. The finished product can be used in any quantity, taking into account the prevention of the formation of excess weight. The minimum dosage per day is 3 tbsp. spoons.

Nutmeg has a quick effect on improving potency in the body, which is noticeable after just a few uses. The product enhances libido, enhances sexuality and normalizes hormonal balance.
The composition of the product contains useful substances (vitamins A, E, C, zinc, sodium, calcium, iron), which help to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, the production of the required amount of testosterone.
The product must be consumed in small quantities, as it provides the following effects:
- Elimination of excitement before intercourse;
- Increased sex drive;
- Elimination of the consequences of physical and emotional stress;
- Exclusion of chronic fatigue syndrome;
- Prolongation of sexual intercourse, brightness of orgasm.
Powder made from nutmeg is used in the treatment of decreased potency caused by nerves. This remedy causes heightened arousal when combined with 2 glasses of white wine.

Cashew nuts are high in zinc, which contributes to normal testosterone production. Regular consumption of the product restores strength, saturates the body with the necessary energy, improves tone and prevents the development of chronic fatigue.
The recommended dosage per day is a handful of nuts, which provide an increase in potency and prolongation of sexual intercourse with a bright orgasm.

Recipes to increase potency
One of the main recipes is to consume nuts whole or in combination with honey. In this case, you can use more effective recipes that enhance the properties of nuts:
- 50 grams of unpeeled peanuts are mixed with 400 ml of cold water. The resulting mixture is simmered for 10 minutes. The finished product is taken chilled 3 times a day before eating;
- Boiled garlic in an amount of 100 g is mixed with 100 g of rose hips and 300 g of walnuts. 50 g of pink radiola and 1 kg of honey are added to the crushed mixture. The finished product is taken daily for 1 tbsp. Spoon;
- Walnuts in combination with honey (500 g each) are chopped, mixed and 50 g of parsnip seeds are added. The finished medicine is consumed 1 time per day before meals;
- Adding chopped nutmeg to a glass of wine, which is drunk 20 minutes before intercourse;
- Combination of walnuts with dried fruits. 200 grams of dried apricots, raisins, prunes, walnuts are crushed and crushed zest of 1 lemon, 200 g of honey are added. The finished mixture is mixed well and infused for 1 day, and then taken 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. Spoon before eating;
- Carrot juice is combined with honey in an equal ratio (250 g) and 300 g of chopped pistachios are added. Take 40 g 3 times a day before meals.
Useful properties of nuts
Nuts are a must-have for a nutritious and healthy diet. The product contains useful substances that ensure the normal functioning of the body without affecting the formation of excess weight, subject to normalized consumption.
Nuts are indispensable for the functioning of the brain, as they contain unsaturated fatty acids that stimulate the activity of the organ and normalize the transmission of nerve impulses.
With regular consumption of nuts, the development of cardiovascular diseases is prevented, since there is an improvement in the functioning of the circulatory system. The product contains the maximum amount of protein, which prevents chronic fatigue, weakness, malaise, depression.
Nuts also help restore hormonal imbalances by stimulating testosterone production. The product can be consumed in unlimited quantities, subject to the standardized dosage.
Reviews about the benefits of nuts for men are mostly positive, since the product has a confirmed effect of exposure in the absence of negative contraindications and side effects.